It is necessary

 It is necessary


To silence the mind.

To feel the pulse of the universe.
To let oneself be caressed by the wind.
To lose track of time.It is necessary
To breathe deeply
To let go of the negative burden
To see with the eyes of the mind
To reconnect with the Divine
To renew life within usIt is necessary
To let the energy flow
To let the heart speak louder
To allow oneself to be vulnerable
And to accept changesIt is necessary
To cultivate gratitude
To embrace simplicity
To let go of the past
And to move forward with lightnessIt is necessary
To seek inner peace
To be in tune with nature
To embrace the light that guides us
And to leave the darkness behindIt is necessary
To understand our mission
To develop our evolution
And to grow at every moment
So that our soul expands and shines radiantly.


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